Problema subtitrării

Simpsonescu (1 mesaj) (Utilizator)
28-Ian-2020, 16:55 Top

Salut tuturor.

I downloaded subtitles for the simpsons. But when playing, there is a problem with the display of some letters. If you open the subtitle file, then the problem is observed in it. It seems that I am missing some kind of font or encoding in the system. Help.

Modificat 28-Ian-2020, 16:56

DISTEL (2,580 mesaje) (Administrator)
28-Ian-2020, 21:16 Top

For Windows 10, Go to Control Panel, then Region, press Administrative Tab,
and down at Language for non-Unicode programs, Change System Locale into Romanian. Apply, Ok, and then all should be fine with diacritics.

georgefernandis (1 mesaj) (Utilizator)
10-Iun-2021, 09:53 Top

Get life inspirational, good night, attitude, love quotes in hindi, motivational quotes and all other quotes in hindi.

Modificat 10-Iun-2021, 09:55