
Dramă, Romantic, Thriller

3.8 / 10

(4 voturi)


91 min


Janine Gosselin


Aubrey Caldwell, Will Lupardus, Paul Howard



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Cold Heart Canyon (2008)

Cold Heart Canyon

In L.A.'s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She's a writer, and she's soon met several men - Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades - some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen's anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?

Karen viseaza ca sora ei Heather este in pericol. Dar se pare ca Heather este bine, tocmai a divortat de sotul ei si s-a mutat intr-o casa noua. Intre timp a intalnit cativa barbati: Marcus, care a ajutat-o cu bagajele in ziua in care s-a mutat, vecinii Daniel si Marisa pentru care Heather pregateste cina in fiecare seara si Michael, proprietarul casei, care vine saptamanal sa curete piscina. In ultimul timp, o serie de intamplari ciudate, le fac pe cele doua surori sa-si dea seama ca visul lui …

Subtitrari Cold Heart Canyon

Traducator Limba
Cold Heart Canyon By_Cosmin Limba