
Aventură, Comedie, Crimă

7.843 / 10

(229 voturi)


94 min


Leonid Gaidai


Yuriy Nikulin, Nina Grebeshkova, Andrey Mironov



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The Diamond Arm (1969)

Mana cu briliante

In the southern town, a gang of "currency traders" is operating, led by the Chief and his assistant Kozodoyev. A modest Soviet clerk and an exemplary family man Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov goes on a foreign cruise on a motor ship, on which Kozodoyev also sailed, who must pick up diamonds in one of the eastern cities and transport them in a plaster hand. But due to a misunderstanding, instead of a swindler, an unsuspecting Gorbunkov falls in the appointed place, and a precious plaster is imposed on him. That's where it all starts...

Semyon Gorbunkov e la Istanbul in concediu cu familia. Numai ca ghinionistul cetatean rus isi rupe mana si, in agonia momentului, rosteste o injuratura care se intampla sa fie nici mai mult nici mai putin decat parola ce declanseaza un plan elaborat de contrabanda cu bijuterii. Ghinionistul Gorbunkov e dus la o clinica unde primeste ingrijiri cu adevarat speciale: un ghips cu diamante. Plin cu diamante. Ce noroc, ati spune. Nu si pentru un vrednic cetatean rus, mai …

Subtitrari The Diamond Arm

Traducator Limba
Brilliantovaya ruka (The Diamond Arm) Horthy @ Limba