
Acțiune, Dramă, Sf

6.1 / 10

(60 voturi)


136 min


Si-myung Lee


Jang Dong-Gun, Tôru Nakamura, Jin-ho Seo



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2009: Lost Memories (2002)

2009: Lost Memories

There are breakpoints in the history, the result of a single event may change the whole course. In 1909, an assassination attempt of a Japanese governor fails. Now, in 2009, Korea is just another state of Japan's Empire & Seoul has become a major city. A Korean resistance group fights for liberty, independence & the restoration of true history. Two cops, Japanese & Korean, investigate the group.

2009: Lost Memories este un film sud-coreean regizat de Lee Si-myung. A fost distribuit de CJ Entertainment si lansat la 1 februarie 2002. Regizorul japonez Shohei Imamura joaca rolul unui istoric in film. Intr-un viitor alternativ, in care peninsula coreeana inca mai face parte din imperiul japonez, Sakamoto, un agent BIJ (Biroul de Investigatie Japonez) de origine coreeana si partenerul sau japonez, Saigo, incearca sa rezolve un caz ciudat in care teroristii nationalisti coreeni incearca sa …

Subtitrari 2009: Lost Memories

Traducator Limba
2009: Lost Memories Bar Limba
2009: Lost Memories bozxphd Limba